Friday, May 28, 2010

26th May, 2010 (Wed)

Today Temasek Design School (TDS) had became a business school because you would see a lot of "businessman & women" around once you stepped into design school. This was not because all the students from business school came over to the TDS. It was because a number of the students were having a module,"Professional Communication of Design (PComD)" and preparing for their job interview simulation.
My group was having our interview simulation at 2pm, some of the members were very nervous about this interview because they had no working experiences or not been attend to any job interview before. Overall, I think my group had performed not too bad.. And Congrats to Rahman who had "gotten" the job!!

21st May, 2010 (Fri)

Today was an important day that I have long waited, because today was the Result Announcement Day of the Student Election 2010. All the 17 of Us gathered at the Student Lounge at 5pm although the result would only announce around 5.30pm.
Finally, the announcement of result had begun after a 45 minutes of waiting.
AND the result was....


Tan Han Pei (PID)


Sherlene Seow Shili (IAD)


Deon Phua Xun Han (VSC)

Tan Lijin (IAD)

Timothy Su Yi Cheng (IMD)

Lee Wei Ming (RHD)

Toh Jia Hui (VSC)

Leong Yingyao (IAD)

Thian Yuan Yung Andrew (IAD)

Cliff Yeo Suhaui (VSC)

Taufiq Jaffaludinsha (RHD)

Sim Shi Chang Kenneth (PID)

Mayguss Wee Mei Yi (IAD)

Lau Yan Yu Andy (IMD)

Koh Sze Ern Kite (VSC)

I was part of the DSC main committee...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

16th May, 2010 (Sun)

Today was the weekends after Block 1 ended and before Block 2 start. This is the election period for all the study clubs from different schools and the Student Union to get their main committees to voted.
For Design Study Club (DSC), there are 15 slots. I had tried this last year, I was the 16th person... Unfortunately, I wasn't famous enough, so I didn't get enough votes to beat the others.
But for this year, I have gotten myself more prepare.. I designed 2 posters for myself, 1 of them was from my classmate, Zac, who had watched the recent movie, Ip Man 2. He photoshoped me face on the original poster. And I think this is quite a good idea, so i modified the poster more. The 2nd one was an idea from my schoolmate, Kite, who is also running for the election. I photoshoped my face onto Bruce Lee's body.