Friday, September 25, 2009

25th Sep,2009(Fri)

Today was the 5th day of my Semester Break, I had started my part time job at the law firm, which used to work in last year end.
Few days back from the 19th till 21st Sept, I had went for my cell group retreat to Malaysia - Tioman. We had a lot FUNs and enjoyed ourselves!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

12th Sept, 2009

Today I bought my 1st DSLR in my life, Canon EOS 450D.
It is come with a package, Camera body + Kit lens & accessories like extra batteries, battery grip... etc.
The DSLR is still under warranty till Jan 2010. The full set worth around $2K but I got it with $1.2K only, as the owner lost his interest in photography so he sold all his stuffs cheaper than usual.
I think this was a really good deal...