Thursday, April 9, 2009

4th Apr,2009(Sat)

Today was the last day of the Freshmen Orientation Workshop(FOW) organised by TPSU(Temasek Polytechnic Student Union), it was a 3 days workshop for all the TP students who are interested to sign up. I was planned to be in the empire, HOLQA.
During these 3 days, I made a lot new friends and know the places in TP more. I met Yu Ling, Brenda, Adeline, Nichaoles, Zen, Yi Hsiang, Marcus and Wan..... etc. We had a really good time and built bondings between us(both the freshies & GLs)
And We, HOLQA, had won 1st out of the 5 empires1!!! Ho Ah!! =]

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