Sunday, April 5, 2009

28th Mar, 2009(Sat)

Today morning, I joined a cycling session,"Cycling around the East", which was organized by Darwin together with Cheryl, Jun Kai and Pei Yu. And I brought my bicycle along for it. We met in front of the Burger King(BK) at East Coast Park(ECP), Area C, as it was our starting and ending points.
We rented some bicycles from a bicycles rental shop for the timing of 11.30am - 4.30pm. We followed the Park Connector(PCN) from ECP to Changi Village(CV), and we had our lunch there. On our way to CV, there was a dead snake lied in the middle of the road.
After eating our lunch, We headed back our way back to East Coast. But we cycled slightly faster, because Pei Yu needed to rush off early.
In the evening, I returned to church for my cell group after the cycling. We had a sharing session on what do we want our cell group to be in the future and we also decided the name of our cell group as Bethlehem.

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