Friday, March 27, 2009

21st Mar, 2009(Sat)

Today I was invited by 1 of my secondary school mates, Johnathan, to his 21st Birthday party, which was held in his grandma's terrace house at Simei. We had not meeting each other for quite sometime already. He grew a lot, he was bigger size than when I last met him, which was around 1 year ago.
His whole family & relatives were busy preparing for his 21st Birthday party. Johnathan invited a lot of his friends, some were his poly friends and some were childhood friends. My brother and I were his secondary school friends.
I met the girlfriend of Min Kiat(1 of my NS friends), Winnie and I didn't expect it at all... I only saw her photo on Min kiat's MSN display photo, but not the real person.
The food were delicious, and Johnathan was busy chatting with his friends. Overall, the party was a success!! =]

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